My Story

Welcome to!

Greetings! I’m Justin Ritchie, a proud Bahamian with a passion for creating impactful ventures and driving positive change. Since graduating from university in 2009 with a degree in Business Administration, my journey has taken me from the turquoise shores of The Bahamas to the dynamic landscape of South Florida, where I’ve been diligently pursuing my goals.

A Journey of Growth and Learning

My post-graduation adventure led me to the vibrant realm of South Florida, where I set out with a clear purpose – to immerse myself in diverse experiences that would equip me with a formidable skill set in business development, organizational behavior, project management, and software development. With a focus on harnessing this knowledge to fuel the launch of potent startups, I embarked on a journey that has been both thrilling and enlightening.

Empowering Startup Ecosystems

Throughout my journey, I’ve been driven by the profound belief that impactful startups have the power to shape industries and revolutionize communities. My recent work with Bahama Ventures Inc. and my role in co-founding Refresh Bahamas, a non-profit organization, stand as a testament to my commitment to this ethos. With each project, I’ve embraced the challenges and opportunities that come with entrepreneurship, always seeking innovative solutions that can drive growth and change.

A Vision for The Bahamas

My endeavors have always been fueled by a deeper purpose: to leverage the knowledge and skills I’ve gained to contribute to the progress of my homeland, The Bahamas. I envision a future where the ambitious dreams of fellow Bahamians can be nurtured and realized within our own borders. With my family, daughter, and the aspirations of future generations in mind, I am resolute in my determination to pave a path where individuals no longer need to seek opportunities elsewhere to make their mark.

Join Me on the Journey

I invite you to join me on this exciting journey of growth, innovation, and empowerment. Through this platform, I’ll be sharing insights, experiences, and thoughts that have shaped my perspective and approach. Together, we can explore the intersection of business, technology, and community development, all with a focus on nurturing the potential that lies within The Bahamas.

Thank you for visiting Let’s work hand in hand to build a brighter future for The Bahamas and beyond.

Warm regards,

Justin Ritchie